James J: "I'm a busy CEO - I wanted to find a partner but I just wasn't focused - The Dateist helped me do that. Delissa's team organised me, primed me and sent me in the right direction. I've now met someone and been coached ongoing so it's all working out."

Simon: "Whoops. Thanks to Delissa I went from zero to two women and now I need help to get out of this pickle."

Sarah T: "Here I am older non the wiser and somehow single. I’ve got a great career but somehow love just hasn’t happened. Not sure how to fix it but D helped me focus, told me where I was going wrong and opened up some fascinating doors. I have had a really interesting time in the last few weeks and using D’s training I’ve met some potential men – no one special at the moment but I’m confident that I will."

Charlie: "I’ve been to parties I would never be invited to in a million years. I’ve had really close attention from Delissa and closely followed her advice which has meant ‘dialling up’ how I do things."

Hugh G: "I was one of Delissa’s first clients and I’m glad I took the gamble. It's like having a personal trainer but for dating. She identified what I was looking for – told me I was being ridiculous and asking for the impossible but nevertheless she and her team created a very clever strategy. I went to events and locations I would never have thought of and now thanks to D I have actually met the ‘impossible’."

Sarah: "I’m having such an interesting time. I never thought it was possible that there isn’t just ‘the one’ but more if you look in the right places."

Robert Stephens: "I tried line dancing and joined a bridge club but everyone seemed so staid. I’m an architect, semi-retired and I sail, I horse ride and I do cold water swimming. I want to meet someone fit who doesn’t think knitting and back episodes of Columbo is an exciting evening. Delissa and her team rocketed me into so many relevant but different social events and now I’m very glad to say that with their help I met B."

George: "I've been very successful in business, I'm fit and I have a beautiful house in the country and an apartment in Chelsea BUT I don't have anyone special in my life. I've tried a couple of dating agencies without success. The women I'm attracted to are younger than me and only interested in what I can buy for them. Delissa pointed out I was fishing in a 'toxic pool'. She is right. Now I have a list of events to go to where I've more chance of meeting the woman of my dreams."

Charlotte P: "By the time I contacted The Dateist I was really fed up with introduction agencies that cost me nearly £10k. It was such a waste of money but Delissa and her team have a very different and more real approach. The coaching with Delissa helped focus me and the itinerary they produced for me has been really enjoyable. I haven’t had to do anything more than just turn up. I have met someone now and it could develop but at least I now know how to look."

Paul G: "I’ve been coached on a weekly basis by The Dateist - much like having a PT for dating. I’m surprised at what I’ve learnt - it's given me confidence and focus."